Tell Brak

Tell Brak
Site of archeological site in Northern Syria

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Describing Mrs Mallowan's character

Although I feel as though I've done very little towards making this project happen, I should give myself credit for doing something. The project itself has had to change anyway because of the war in Syria. Originally, I wanted to write a book following the Mallowans' journey to Tell Brak on the Orient Express and then across Syria. Now I feel that this particular part of Agatha Christie's life should be told and I'm brooding on a screenplay. As always, I lack confidence in my ability to 'just do it', so I've signed up for a FutureLearn screen writing course. What follows is an exercise in Week 2 designed to develop the main protagonist's character. As I've read about Mrs Mallowan quite extensively, I feel I can make a start on describing and developing her character. Wonder if she would approve.

The instructions:
  • List the character’s major actions. Start from the end and work backwards. (Don’t analyse how or why; just create a list of actions.)
  • Analyse the list to reveal the character’s wants and needs. Is the character aware of what they want?
  • Describe how the character thinks and look at his or her basic psychology. Intelligent? Intellectually engaged? Cognitive Biases? Impulsive? Cautious?
  • Describe the character’s superficial affect. How might a casual acquaintance describe them?
  • List any important physical characteristics
  • This is just an outline, so stick to that format and make lists; avoid long prose descriptions.
Marries Max Mallowan
Has cold feet about marriage and goes to Scotland with friend to reflect, discuss and decide
Accepts Max's apology and agrees to marry him
Returns home to deal with family situation and hides from world because of assumed rejection
Left alone in Athens with painful sprained ankle and has to find her way back to London
Max tells her he has to go back to Ur (or Nimrod or wherever) because Leonard Woolley has contacted him. She pleads with him to at least keep his promise to accompany her to London.
She falls in street and sprains ankle
Enjoys journey from Ur to Athens with Max Mallowan.
Spends time in desert with Max.
Goes to Baghdad for adventure. Goes to archeological site and meets Max Mallowan.
Looks for ways to get out of her depression after divorce and decides on travel.
Pleads with Archie not to leave her.
Disappears to Harrogate with possible mental breakdown.
Finds out that husband is having an affair and wants a divorce.
Falls in love with Archie Christie. He goes off to WW1. Have daughter. Writes first published novel.

Agatha wants to be secure and safe in a relationship. She wants to be loved and to be able to give love. She is aware of what she wants.
Agatha is very interested in psychology anyway. She is very intelligent - gifted pianist, quickly acquired knowledge and skills of pharmacology, excellent surfer and skater. Curious about the world and loves to travel. Intrepid approach to exploring difficult territory. She is a compulsive collector of houses.
Agatha's superficial affect might be hostile to new people. She would be wary, especially since becoming famous. She would be curious but want to test people to find out their motivation in wanting to know her. She does not like publicity; prefers to be private. Modest, yet proud of her achievements in the literary world. Very clear about her own worth.
At the time of this particular story she was overweight and cumbersome. She didn't feel attractive.

Normal service resumes

This blog has been neglected for almost four years, but there are several reasons for the lack of attention. I moved back to the UK in July 2013 with a dog and two cats, struggled to find a job but managed to find a good post out of teaching. Moved house in 2014 to be closer to my mother who has Alzheimer's Disease (and several other reasons), which proved to be difficult and stressful. Changed my job in 2015. I'm back in education and the college is 10 minutes walk from my new home. Finally life is settling down and perhaps I can focus on this project. I have not forgotten Mrs Mallowan and have visited Wallingford where I completed the 4 miles circular walk (with dog) and saw the outside of her house there and her final place of rest. Pictures must be posted, but not today.